Understanding Alzheimer’s: Shedding Light on World Alzheimer’s Month

Understanding Alzheimer’s: Shedding Light on World Alzheimer’s Month September marks World Alzheimer’s Month, a time for raising awareness and understanding about this devastating disease. Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, causing memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioural changes. In this article, we will shed light on the significance of

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Ella Marshall: Charity Skydive

Ella Marshall and her Mum are doing a skydive to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society in honour of her amazing Nan This weekend (21/09/2024) our trainee recruitment consultant Ella Marshall is taking the plunge with her Mum and doing a skydive for the Alzheimer’s Society. Ella is confronting her fears for an amazing cause

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What does Labours Election win mean for Social Care?

The Labour election win could have several implications for social care, depending on their policies and commitments. Historically, Labour has emphasised the importance of social care and proposed several key measures to improve it. Here are some potential impacts based on their previous statements and policy outlines: The actual impact would depend on the specific

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SCR Rounders 2024

Last Friday the team at Social Care Recruitment headed out in the glorious sunshine to local Victoria Park, Leicester, for the annual office rounders game. With the office split into two teams certain peoples competitive nature came out in a great battle between the two – with lots of big hitting and athletic fielding! Team

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World Down Syndrome Day 2024

Every year, March 21st is a global awareness day for Down Syndrome which has been officially observed since 2012 by the United Nations What is Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes

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